
Dear fellow tasters,

Not really sure what to write here but my name is Dino, 30 something guy who always enjoys eating out and dining out alone or with my friends.  This blog focuses mainly about restaurants and other eateries in the Jakarta neighborhood but if I get to travel elsewhere and encounter some great culinary experience, I might write about it too.  I hope this blog will be useful for the readers and please feel free to browse around, post some comments, click the Rate This, and stuffs.

P.S. Pictures on this blog were taken using a pocket camera and sometimes my mobile phone camera (still trying to save for a d-slr camera), so please kindly forgive the poor quality.


14 responses to “About

  1. Hi Dino,
    Really like your blog and the way you rate an establishment 🙂
    We tried Sniper Steak @ White Hunter, Gandaria City today, the steak was really awesome, juicy and the marbling was just melt in the mouth, you should try it ,too 🙂

  2. Hi bobo,

    Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you enjoyed reading my blog.
    I actually had a post on White Hunter (http://wp.me/pldIL-tD) but didn’t try the sniper steak, so thank you for your recommendation… I might try that and the ribs which also look quite promising 😀

  3. oops I have read through your blog several times, but only this time i read the “about” section and it was quite a surprise since i dont know why, but i always thought that this blog owner is a lady 😀 maybe because of such a clean layout. Anyway your posts are very well written, and wondering why no 2013 posts? Hope you write again, cheers!

    • Hi Swany, thank you for visiting my blog.
      Sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment. I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you. Yes, unfortunately this blog is currently on hiatus but I hope I can resume writing again soon. Cheers to you!

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